Nearly two years since COVID disrupted the emergency medicine job market, things are finally looking up. The Fall 2023 market is up about 20 percent from last year but still lags behind the 2019 market by 32 percent! Of note, 32 percent of openings are in rural, low volume/acuity facilities.
In 2019, 63 percent of available jobs were with national contract groups, with 53 percent open to primary care physicians. This season NCGs represent 51 percent of the open jobs and only 40 percent are open to primary care boarded physicians. We are, however, seeing a rapid return of sign-on bonuses (as high as $150,000), stipends for grads before they start, loan forgiveness and other financial incentives showing that employers continue to have a hard time luring physicians to the less desirable geographic regions.
Due to dwindling compensation information, this year’s report is a combination of position availability and compensation stats where available. All compensation numbers represent salaries only—no bonuses, benefits, or front money have been included. These are all from currently available positions and annual incomes are based on 1,560 clinical hours.
For 2024 grads, start your job search now and be aware that there may be only enough jobs for about half of your graduating class. Of course, that doesn’t include the underground spots that are never advertised and require a referral or a secret password! Best of luck!
Barbara Katz is president of The Katz Company EMC, a member of ACEP’s Workforce and Career sections, and a frequent speaker and faculty at conferences and residency programs. She can be reached at
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